
Slowly heading home

প্ৰকাশিত: 16.06.2023

Oops, haven't written anything for 2 days... Nothing wild happened though, we were just busy with driving and little technical problems.

At our last parking spot "Atlanterhavsveien Sjøstuer" in Averøy, we got to experience a fantastic sunset. But we had to wait for a long time, the sun only set at 11:30 PM 🌅. And even then, it didn't get dark. We stayed awake until 1:00 AM, it was actually still bright! 😎 And when I woke up again at 3:00 AM, out of curiosity, I had to roll up the blind: still bright 😆. Well, at 3:30 AM, the sun rose again anyway 😅.

It's funny, the nights here in Norway were never really dark (next week is Midsummer after all), but it was a whole different story this far north, even though the Arctic Circle was still a bit far away. We noticed the difference yesterday evening (we have now reached Oslo): "Turn on the light!" 😂

I wonder if my circadian rhythm will quickly readjust at home? Currently, I'm simply not tired in the evenings and I'm always completely surprised when I look at the clock. 😝

On the way to Kristiansand, I suddenly noticed that my (air-suspended) seat was slowly sinking down. Stopped, the compressor only made gurgling noises... Oh great! We just replaced that part half a year ago because we had the same problem then.

So, I moved to the back first and we drove (once again) to BILTEMA, hoping to get spare parts there. The auto repair shops had all already closed at 4 PM. Then we headed to the next campground, Magalaupe Camping in Oppdal. Nice spot right by the river (the noise eventually drives you crazy 🤪). Ingo spent the rest of the evening tinkering.

Unfortunately, not quite successful, as we found out the next day. After half an hour, it made a "pffft" sound again... and I sat all the way down. After pumping it up twice, the new compressor also gave up. Looks like we'll have to do more thorough troubleshooting at home. But for the rest of the trip, I'll have to sit in the back without suspension, unfortunately the passenger seat is not usable without it. 😕

By now, my mood was at rock bottom. Those who know us, know that something is always wrong with our car on vacation. Either the electronics are acting up, the shower doesn't work - or the seat... there's always something 🤬! Well, our NiBi is already 12 years old, so we'll have to accept it. Luckily, Ingo is technically skilled and can usually conjure up some emergency solutions.

We only saw the landscape while passing through. We crossed the Dovrefjell, a plateau that I didn't find very exciting. I definitely prefer the barren rocks and the fjord Norway.

Well, by now we passed Lillehammer and we wanted to find a campground soon. Usually, there was a campground every 3 km, but here: none! We had to drive through Oslo first and then we found a nice spot by the (quiet 🤣) water in Drammen. We covered 460 km. Now it's only 290 km to the ferry to Denmark.

It has gotten so hot here🥵. Even though I sometimes wished for a few degrees more earlier, THIS is definitely too much now! Now we're heading towards the ferry. Today, we want to make a stop in Risør. Let's see if we can find a spot there 😉


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