


Begleitet uns auf unserer 6-monatigen Weltreise

Down Under

New Zealand / Aotearoa

Visiting the Kiwis

Canada, Toronto, Camper,...

Toronto, Niagara Falls, the 'largest island in a lake in the world', and a bear cub

Valdivia 🍺

Sleepy seaside town... and the Beer Festival!

Los Glaciares National Park

Impressive views of Perito Moreno Glacier and spontaneous trekking in El Chalten.

Torres del Paine National Park...

...or Welcome to the end of the world

Iguazu Falls

What more can you say than BREATHTAKING!

Buenos Aires

A city that is too big to explore on foot, but we still did it ;-)

Our travel route

From Idea to Final Route

Soon it's time...

The great excitement before the departure