Nneɛma a Wɔpɛ a Wɔde Kɔ Peru

Akwantu bere a eye sen biara Peru

Peru nsɛntitiriw

Akwantuo Blog Foforo & Wɔakyerɛ Peru

Cusco Day 3 - take a break, please!

We could be worse off with massages and good food...

Colca Canyon - 2 Day Adventure (11.03-12.03.2022)

from deep canyons to emotional peaks...

On the go in Arequipa (10.03.2022)

From colorful hustle and bustle to fluffy blankets...

Hello Arequipa (09.03.2022)

Overslept in the big white city...

Tejas, Pisco and the Nazca Lines (08.03.2022)

About the mysterious Nazca Lines and into the white city...

From Paracas to Huacachina (07.03.2022)

On to the oasis - in the end, everything will be fine...

Paracas (06/03/2022) - Want some desert and beach?

Once in the desert for fun and then relax...

Lima - Guest at Maido - Top10 worldwide

Fantastic food - we will be back!

Lima - culinary paradise (03/05/2022)

The perfect day to gain 5kg...

Cusco for the first time

View from hotel terrace