Tag 146 - crazy

Wɔatintim: 26.09.2019


The first place we want to visit today is a waterfall nearby. After breakfast, we make our way and already reach our destination after 30 minutes. A short five-minute walk through a small forest section leads us to the loud stream and the picturesque waterfall. This is not just any waterfall, but another setting from the Lord of the Rings movies. For those who are interested: This is where Gollum/Smeagol was betrayed by Frodo and captured by the Rangers.

We take some photos and continue to a small town where Jonna visits a second-hand store, we do some shopping, and especially refuel (the distance here should not have been more than 10 kilometers).

Then we drive one of our longest legs with almost 150km straight and reach our next campsite in the early afternoon. I slept so little last night that I take a nap for an hour or two while Jonna reads. We are at a kind of bathing spot with a large parking lot, a small snack bar, and toilet buildings. In the evening, we observe a group of boys who are seriously swimming - we have about 14° Celsius and it's raining and storming every half hour. The New Zealanders seem to have a similar temperature perception as their British friends.

In the evening, we prepare some food and go to bed relatively early.

- Alex


New Zealand na ɛwɔ hɔ
Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ New Zealand na ɛwɔ hɔ