Redefined Timeline
Redefined Timeline

Horseshoe Bend ne Antelope Asubɔnten no mu

Wɔatintim: 06.09.2017

I actually planned to get up early today to go for the sunrise at the Horseshoe Bend. But there was that group of Irish last night.... So I went a little later out there. 

It's scary standing at the ridge. It's so fucking high and I'm really scared of heights. 

In the afternoon I booked a photography tour to the Upper Antelope Canyon. Jackpot! I was the only one in the group. It was great only my guide and me and my tripod with the camera. No hurry like the other groups. If got plenty of tips from my guide Cole. If you like taking pictures the right way in the Canyon, this tour is worth the money!

It's called the Dragon's Eye

It's called The Bear. Do you see the tree log on the left? That's the height the water can reach, if there is a flash flood. 

That Canyon is really worth to see! I love the shapes and colors. It's amazing. 


Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ USA