Somewhere between Burgos and León - find your element

Wɔatintim: 03.06.2018

I was a bit lazy with writing during the last two weeks. At least here, I wrote a lot in my little diary, because I made a really special and meaningful experience. I learned a lot and found a lot more than I could ever expect to find somewhere. Right in time when I was ready and open for something new, I met a very special person who helped me a lot in each way that one person could help another.

I don’t have any words at all and at the same time thousands of words to describe all that.

But this person as well as many others gave me a lot of inspiration and brought me closer to myself and opened my eyes to see and recognize what I maybe couldn’t see for a long time.

And I am happy that I can be grateful to all this, to all these special persons, for my freedom that I decided to take, for all wonderful moments, experiences, help from other people and the possibilities to give something back, for the insights that are coming into my mind, for everything that opens my eyes, makes my view wider, my heart more caring, my life changing.

I know that I will have to let go again soon. And again I was really sad about that. But I’m also thinking and feeling different now. I don’t know if I will always be able to make it, but now I am not only sad, but also absolutely thankful and glad and actually more than glad that I got the possibility to receive all that. And to value the freedom of everyone. I’m loving it and I’m totally grateful for my freedom and that I’m learning to keep it by saying no or telling what I need. But I’m also happy to see other people happy and free. And I wish everyone to keep their freedom and happiness and that every single one of my beloved Camino friends may find what they are looking for.

On a meaningful place, where people usually and since hundreds of years load down a symbolic stone or something else to separate from something they want to leave behind, la Cruz de Ferro, me, I found a stone. It was calling me with its light pink colour, very soft and round, feeling perfectly and warm in my hand. It’s looking similar to the one of a friend who explained to me that the meaning of this stone could be “love”.

So, I have the feeling, in a way, on this place, on my Camino, I found love. And the stone is the symbol, I want to keep and to carry and to wear whenever I can, for all of my time.

Anoyie (2)

Du siehst ja richtig gut aus.LG Heidi und Ralph

Wir danken Dir, dass Du uns ein Stück weit an Deinem Weg teilhaben lässt. Es bedeutet uns sehr viel. Gehe ihn weiter und festige ihn. Wir lieben Dich, Mum and Dad

Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Spain