... a first small farewell ...

Wɔatintim: 22.11.2017

The day started very early. After breakfast, we were already in front of Manuel Antonio National Park at 8 a.m.

It had rained during the night and in the morning the sun was shining ... it was humid. After half an hour of waiting for visitors to be allowed into the park again, it was finally our turn.

So off we went, glad that we brought hiking boots on this trip. Except for the beach, we wore them every day.

The approximately 1.5 km walk to the sea leads through a beautiful forest ... we saw many white-faced capuchin monkeys again - including a mother with a child, white-nosed coatis, raccoons and a sloth - this time we marked it. The beautiful beaches were very crowded, and the raccoons are so curious that they even open zippers while looking for something to eat ... Jörg is still struggling with his sunburn, so we avoid the sun.

We took a circular hiking trail on a peninsula ... uphill and downhill in this heat ... but the viewpoints were beautiful.

At 1 p.m., we started our journey to San José. Passing El Avón, a real airplane with a bar inside, and a restaurant around it - we had completely forgotten about it, we actually wanted to go in. Quick stop at Plaza Yara to pick up our luggage and off we went.

On the way, a last look at the Pacific Ocean ... saying goodbye to the sea.

Our GPS wanted to take us straight back ... but not without passing by the Tárcoles Bridge, not with us. So we took a little detour and there they were ... crocodiles, not many, but still.

Today, a picture of the highway in Costa Rica. Sometimes it is also a 2-lane road, but never on both sides at the same time. When there is only one lane, you can also overtake like that - at least theoretically.

Arriving in San José, we first occupied Elke's garage, then the house, and finally the bathrooms.

... the end of our tour ... back to the starting point!


Costa Rica na ɛwɔ hɔ
Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Costa Rica na ɛwɔ hɔ