Thank you very much - Welcome back to Tanzania

Wɔatintim: 11.06.2024

A short summary of the MM-SAFARI

New Zealand - Aotearoa 🇳🇿 :

An unforgettable, unique landscape with very special animal experiences.

Tanzania - Tanzania 🇹🇿 :

An animal world that is probably unique in the world with very special people.

Now please everyone, read everything to the end - even if it takes a little longer today.

Have we changed? Probably not. But we are very grateful that we were able to experience the last six months and (as you may have noticed) we enjoyed it!!! That's why we want to officially say thank you to you here too.

Thank you for...

...your patience with us if the next post takes a little longer.

...your loyalty, despite the long absence.

...some funny and many lovely comments. The most creative and touching (funny and serious at the same time) messages are from the famous fighter.

...the great menu that awaits us on our return to the cooking group. As well as the (almost) weekly telephone information from home.

...the test of our social compatibility with our neighbors. They made the long journey and tested us in the meantime. We also knew that the plot of land (as well as the car and shower) was in good hands!

...the gardening done by a dear friend in our absence.

...a special pen pal who would have saved us anywhere.

...this blog to the horny mouse, without whom you would certainly have heard less from us.

...dry clothes and places to sit to our dear family. You were always there somehow!

...the medical and insurance coverage of two great men. Because we had this, we will come back safe and sound!

...the continuation of our sports group, especially through one person. "Thanks, Mom!"

...the long dry spell endured by two housekeepers, with us there will probably be more warm + cold beer for you again.

...the many hearts (likes) of the faithful reader!

...the waiting of our DoKo round and for the special interlude, despite the thousands of kilometers between us.

...looking after my two little boys, who have probably changed the most of all of us in six months. I'm really looking forward to seeing you! Maybe I'll bring a lion with me too ;-).

...the house and the wine to the old white man!, that is, my parents. That's the only reason I am who I am and have been able to experience the last six months. Who can do something like that?

...sorting out my personal affairs, darling! And it's nice that you and the fighter looked after each other. We don't know who had it harder.

...the recognition of our special skills in the field of probability theory, as well as a delicious dinner in Munich go to a professor of mathematics and his wife.

...the woman of reason who was always at our side. You can all thank her too, by the way; without her we might not have been so unscathed on the way back.

You're probably wondering why we're so nice at the end. Of course, it's so that you're happy that we're coming back this week! We expect a corresponding welcome.

AND not to forget, finally, our warmest greetings to the capital!

Anoyie (3)

Das klingt nach einem mehr als dankbaren Resümee einer langen + spannenden Weltreise! Wenn man 529 Bilder nach unten rollt, kommt in Erinnerung, dass Ihr mit Weihnachtsbäumen in Singapur angefangen hattet. Man ist das lange her! Fein, dass keine Rettung erforderlich war. Ich wünsche Euch eine unfallfreie Rückreise, erfolgreiche Resozialisierung + freue mich ein bisschen, wenn Ihr wieder zu Hause seid ;-). Fein, dass ich mitkommen durfte!

Welch ein toller Schlussakkord! Danke für traumhafte Fotos und interessante Berichte. Wir lesen auch aus euren Zeilen, dass wunderbare Menschen an eurer Seite stehen und viele neue Freunde gewonnen habt. Was die Reise mit euch gemacht hat, werdet ihr vielleicht erst nach und nach begreifen. Dass euch das Bier immer noch schmeckt, beruhigt uns! Die Begrüßungsparty wird sicher mega. Lasst euch umarmen. Nach einer Reise ist vor einer neuen Reise! WILLKOMMEN ZU HAUSE!

Schön das ihr wieder da seid und reich an Erfahrungen 😀

Tanzania na ɛwɔ hɔ
Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Tanzania na ɛwɔ hɔ