
Ucluelet (Ukee) - Whale Watching

Wɔatintim: 26.07.2018

We slept very well in the silence 😊. The fog was still hanging over the bay when we headed back on the gravel track shortly before ten. Berni originally booked 3 nights here 😳. But driving half an hour to the main road each time, our interior probably can't handle that... 😂. The cover on the stove came loose, a speaker on the ceiling is shaking, and a board came loose on top of the wardrobe. We'll try to find another place to sleep. I think our teenagers will feel more comfortable in civilization 😜.

Right next to Ucluelet Camping, at the beginning of the town, we luckily found something. It's also located in a bay, but the town is within walking distance. There are toilets and showers, good Wi-Fi at the reception, and I was able to charge my battery there. Perfect!

So we set off to do some shopping and check where "Jamie's Whale Watching" is for later. In the process, Berni also inquired about his kayak tour tomorrow, as he is still not completely fit. Since he would have been the only participant, we were able to cancel this tour without any costs.

We were back at Jamie's for today's tour at 3 pm. There were 3 families in total, a total of 12 people, who took their seats on the small boat. Everyone wore life jackets and most were "armed" with a camera or a mobile phone 😝.

After we had chugged out of the bay, Dillon, our guide, picked up the pace and we sped out to sea. On the first rocks, he showed us sea lions. At the next stop, he pointed out a nest of a bald eagle high in the trees. The radio in the cabin crackled repeatedly, and the boat guides made their own observations or gave tips on where a whale might be. But we still haven't seen any. Lisa had found a good seat at the back on the open, small platform and clearly enjoyed the fast ride 🛥💨💦! 😝👍

The coastal landscape we passed was beautiful. Very green and hilly, sometimes rocky. But still no big tail fin in sight 😏. We were already on our way back when Dillon showed us seals with their young on a rock. When we then entered the harbor bay again, our guide apologized for not seeing any 🐳. No boat today seemed to be lucky 😳! Too bad, we were really looking forward to it 😏.

Back in the camper, we eagerly attacked the salad and pasta with sauce. Before the boat trip, we deliberately didn't eat much and only had something light so that we wouldn't get seasick. Tired from the sea air, we soon fell into a deep sleep... 😴.

Cu 😉

Anoyie (2)

Liebe Metzger's. Schade habt ihr keine Wale gesehen. Das wäre ein riesengrosses Erlebnis gewesen!! Ucluelet und Umgebung sieht sehr schön aus. Freue mich, denn wir werden ja in 3 Wochen auch dort sein. Weiterhin viel Spass. Ich nehme an, dass es jetzt weiter geht nach Viktoria, was ja auch seinen Besuch wert ist. Da gibt es ganz viele Wale.... Bernie gute Besserung und liebe Grüsse aus der extrem warmen Schweiz (heute bis 35 Grad). Escher

Ja, schade hat es mit den Walen nicht geklappt. Vielleicht sehen wir ja hier in Victoria noch welche... Oder wir kommen ganz einfach wieder! 😝

Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Canada