Trogir, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Wɔatintim: 24.08.2018

August 24th

After yesterday's overwhelming impressions of Split, it is understandable that Trogir was a little overshadowed today. We had already satisfied our initial curiosity and taken a few glimpses behind the city walls and into the charming alleys. During our vacation, we have learned that it is best to visit the cities in the afternoon sun and before dinner, as the temperatures are bearable and the streets fill up in the evening. So today we had a completely different and much better impression than the day before yesterday. The 48-meter-high prominent bell tower, which belongs to the Cathedral of St. Lawrence and is the center of the old town, was once again our first destination. First climb up and take a look from above at the manageable 2000-year-old island town. Trogir owes this charm to the Romans, who dug a canal to the mainland to make their city safer.

We paid a lot of attention to the main portal of the cathedral, created by the sculptor Radovan, in order to discover and understand the countless details, figures, and stories with the help of our tour guide. It is truly fascinating over and over again what people have created with their handiwork. You don't have to be religious to be enthusiastic about it.

Another "must" when strolling through the city is the Kamerlengo Fortress on the promenade. It majestically towers above the harbor entrance with the remains of its walls and certainly served a reliable purpose at this strategic location during its heyday. Today, it offers a beautiful panoramic view of the harbor, the city, and the surrounding area.

After visiting the remains of the fortress and watching the hustle and bustle down in the harbor, we strolled through the maze of countless narrow alleys. We also took our time and decided on a cozy konoba for dinner.

For the return journey to the campsite, it had to be the buzzing boat in the moonlight again. This way, we could say goodbye to Trogir, which was getting smaller and smaller, and was illuminated in the evening and filled with nightlife.

We will be moving on again tomorrow.

Anoyie (2)

Hallo UNESCO Punktesammler!! Da hat euch Trogir wohl positiv überrascht denn euer erster Eindruck war doch :sehr touristisch und sehr überlaufen! Nun ist es doch ein schönes Teil in eurem Reisemosaik geworden! Wohin geht es jetzt ?? Euer Fortsetzungsbericht macht langsam süchtig nach der nächsten Folge! ! ! Habt weiterhin schöne erlebnisreiche Tage bei bestem Wetter und guten Campingplätzen! !! Liebe Grüße von der Kuckucksmama

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Akwantu ho amanneɛbɔ pii