
75.-79.Tag - Christchurch

Wɔatintim: 19.01.2018

Now we are almost at the end of the journey and we will return to Christchurch on Sunday to primarily focus on selling our things. Of course, there is still time to explore the city. But we can really enjoy it only after we have succeeded in our masterpiece on Wednesday and we were able to sell the Wish privately.

hopefully selling in wishi

Several inquiries to almost every car dealer in the city (and there are quite a few) end with an unsatisfactory result for us, so we stick to our less promising (and sometimes very mysterious) 'internet acquaintances'. Left in the lurch by Nizar Ali just before the handover, we cling to the last straw, lovingly called 'Gursi' by us!

However, this story would go beyond the scope here. If you want a detailed live account from us, please let us know in our homeland!

what remains of the cathedral...

In the city, the 2011 earthquake, which partly or completely destroyed 75% of the buildings in the city center, is still omnipresent. There is hammering and rebuilding at every corner of what was lost back then. But these gaps create space for something new, and so we are delighted by street art and other urban 'Gapfiller' projects. Certain temporarily created objects have proven themselves so much and have become dear to the Kiwis that they are sure to endure.

Christchurch is now the end of a great - if not the best - chapter in our lives. We will remember it forever and cherish the impressions for a long time.

Before we return to the 'real' life, there can be a little bit of dreaming in Sydney once again ;)

Anoyie (6)

Ich hoffe, dass ihr noch viele schöne gemeinsame Erlebnisse in eurem Leben haben werdet, jedenfalls wünsche ich es euch. LG.Hannelore

Juhu frei mi scho auf a wiedasehn!

Silvia Franziska
Solche Abenteuer gibt es nicht so oft in unserem Leben! ....aber es kommen bei euch sicher noch einige dazu ...und was im Herzen ist bleibt auch darin ..und das ist sicher eurer wunderbares Abenteuer Neuseeland!!!!!kommt gut nach Hause!!! Bussili sf

Hallo ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Abschluss eurer Reise.

boooooid sats wieda do.. wuhuu

Geniessts die restlichen Tage bzw Stunden und kommts gut heim.. freu mich aufs Wiedersehen 😊

New Zealand na ɛwɔ hɔ
Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ New Zealand na ɛwɔ hɔ