
02.10.2020-in Milan and everywhere else it is raining

Wɔatintim: 03.10.2020


Dear friends,

today greeted us with a weather phenomenon that we thought we had escaped: rain. We used the short dry moments of the morning to wash dishes and of course to get our camper van ready to go, so we could leave at nine o'clock. I hope you didn't choke, but you heard right: at nine o'clock. A time when the alarm usually just goes off. Once I got over this shock, I had to catch up on my music withdrawal during our drive today. I'm sorry dad, but if my favorite songs come up regularly in my playlist, I just have to sing along continuously.

Today we went to Milan with a little detour to Lake Garda. The view that greeted us as we entered the valley was breathtaking. German license plates everywhere: "We are home again." But luckily, the menu of our chosen restaurant was still in Italian, even though there was a German translation directly below. But before that, we took a quick walk on a slightly rainy and completely deserted promenade. The water is incredibly clear and pleasant, truly wonderful.

After we solved our food problem and had a full belly, we continued along the lake. Just to get to our first lesson of the day: when taking transfer journeys, you should never use the state road, but rather spend a few euros on the highway.

So, now I don't feel like it anymore and want to sleep, that's why I forced dad to continue writing, have fun with it and a warm bed.

Actually, this morning I wanted to convince Lea to skip Milan and go straight to the coast. I looked at the weather forecast for Milan and saw nothing but rain for the weekend. But since she once again managed to easily manipulate me, we decided to go to Milan after all. A farmhouse with camper van pitches "Podere Ronchetto" was our destination for today. We arrived shaken up around 4:00 p.m. - the country roads are really a disaster. Since it had just stopped raining, we got ready on our bikes and headed towards the city center. Milan has beautiful buildings to offer besides terrible and crowded streets. We drove for about two hours from one noteworthy place to the next - unfortunately, during this time, the storm and rain intensified, so the way back, at least for me, was not very enjoyable. Lea's provocatively good mood also did not contribute to improving my mood.
Now there are wet clothes everywhere in the camper van, but luckily there was a warm shower on the farm and the fridge still had a few snacks, so now everything is fine again.

Oh, the funniest thing is that Lea didn't even remember why she wanted to go to Milan tonight - isn't that hilarious?

Anoyie (1)

Oh ich kann dich super gut verstehen 🤣