First day, Vikings and Schlager festival

Wɔatintim: 10.07.2022

The day starts at 4:30 am on 07/09/22. After a quick breakfast and multiple trips carrying the luggage, we set off and meet Winni and Gil at 6 o'clock. Then we head straight to Damp. After 5.5 hours, we arrive in Kappeln, where we spend time until we can pick up the key to the vacation house at 4 pm.

We stroll along the promenade in Kappeln, looking for a suitable restaurant. We have arrived on the Baltic coast and are looking forward to a tasty fish plate. Gil insists that we should visit a pizzeria instead. He doesn't like fish.

Coincidentally, while we are there, the bridge opens. So, we can also watch this spectacle.

Surprisingly, Liam is interested in the water and the ships. He would also like to take a ship to Denmark. An opportunity we should take advantage of, as he is usually afraid of large bodies of water.

After the meal, we drive to the vacation house, but we are too early to pick up the key. Therefore, we walk the 400m to the beach. At first, we only see an overcrowded marina and lots of people in Viking costumes. On the way to the sandy beach, we then realize that a Viking festival is taking place there. Complete with music, tent camp, and market.

Liam is not afraid of the water at the beach and gets close to it. Two little girls are playing there with jellyfish. Liam is fascinated, as he only knows these animals from documentaries about the deep sea. And now he has seen these animals in real life.

Finally, we can get the key and move into the house. Everyone is satisfied with the accommodation. Liam discovers a separate bed in a niche in the hallway and immediately talks about his own room/bed and wants to sleep there alone. Another opportunity we should take advantage of. Unfortunately, we didn't bring separate bedding for him and will go buy it on Monday.

Exhausted from the day, we decide to stay at home in the evening and play something together. Gil insists on going to the beach again. But we are too exhausted, so he goes alone and sends us beautiful photos.

After 1 hour, Gil comes back and tells us that he just walked 5 kilometers along the beach. Then he lays down on the couch and watches a Schlager festival. It is still running when Liam, Nadine, and I go to bed. I put in earphones and listen to an audio drama, so I can still fall asleep.


Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Germany