Über Sushi, Brot und Kuchen

Wɔatintim: 12.03.2023

When exploring the area, we find a very good sushi master and after a few understanding problems (an American translator was specially summoned and was so kind to help us overcome the language barriers) we get to taste a wonderful plate of nigirizushi, tamagoyaki and maki. None of us have eaten much or any sushi with raw fish before, so naturally we were a bit excited. But after the first bite, we were impressed by the lightness of the taste and the special tenderness of the fish. There was squid (Robin's favorite), tuna, sea bass, caviar, shellfish meat, and other unknown seafood. Even the children were brave and tried every sushi. However, Salia felt a bit sick from one of the sushi. You don't have to like everything. But we adults are very impressed with the delicious sushi and look forward to the next culinary journey.

Rice is mainly on our daily menu. This is not always in agreement with our dear Salia. That's why little things like spaghetti with tomato sauce suddenly become a blessing and the joy of a small bakery is very great. In the supermarket, you mainly find white bread and toast, which unfortunately does not quite suit our taste. The bakery ACOUSTIC CAFÉ, a two-person operation, offers lovingly handmade baked goods in a tiny little bakery. The children are very happy about the 'cat's tail' and the cardamom rolls. It is noticeable that many restaurants and cafes are run by self-employed people, which makes them very individual. This certainly has to do with the ikigai...

A beautiful café by the sea spoils us with cake, good coffee, and tea. The interior is very stylishly designed and inspires us with new ideas...

(I'm almost a bit embarrassed to post so many pictures of food, but it's just so beautiful. And delicious.)

Anoyie (5)

Indem du so viele Bilder von Essen postest, wirst du immer japanischer, haha. Es muss Euch wirklich schwer fallen, dass die japanische Brotkultur zum großen Teil aus Weißbrot besteht…aber Ihr seid so mutig:) Ich finde es lustig, dass, während Ihr drei immer in Bildern schön lächelt, Namira ganz anders aussieht. Vielleicht nimmt sie alles in sich tiefsinniger auf… Weiterhin ein spannendes Abenteuer!

Ja, das stimmt wohl mit Namira. Es ist aber auch schwer ein Lächeln zu erwischen, weil sie innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden gefühlt 100 mal ihre Mimik ändert. Aber dafür sehr authentisch!

Soo schön von euerer Reise und euren Erlebnissen mitzubekommen:) Bin sehr gerührt. Und ich hab wirklich die schönsten Nichten der Welt <3

Danke Amy für deine lieben Worte! Du bist für uns eine riesige Inspiration und Mutmacherin für das Reisen.

Hi ihr Lieben, hier ist die Dodo (Dorothee Beate :-))aus dem Waldkindergarten.. So schön, euch auf eurer Reise zu erleben. Freue mich sehr über all eure Berichte und Fotos! Ich reise quasi ein wenig mit.... Dicke und herzliche Grüße von mir an euch, ganz besonders an unser Wakikind Salia und an Namira-Wakikind in Spe :-) Dodo

Akwantuo ho amanneɛbɔ Japan