3 Wochen "Rund um Chicago"

3 Wochen "Rund um Chicago"


Daniels Reiseblog

Day 21 - back in Chicago

Day 21 - back in Chicago

So my dears, and that's almost it with our great trip through the USA. Today was the last stage from...

Tag 20 - South Bend / Notre Dame

For me personally, today was a highlight on the agenda that surely not every tourist has on their li...

Day 18 - Buffalo / back to Pennsylvania

Yesterday we relocated because a friendly sheriff confirmed to us that we are not allowed to stay ov...

Tag 16 - noch einen Tag bis Buffalo

Heute haben wir 250 Meilen geschrubbt, um jetzt nur noch einen Katzensprung von Buffalo entfernt zu ...

Day 14 - New York City

Today we got up early again. On our RV site Liberty Harbor with a view of the Statue of Liberty (fro...

Day 13 - New York

Okay, New York is a bit of a lie, actually our destination today was New Jersey, the other side of t...

Day 12 - Philadelphia

Phew, it was hot again last night. And it's probably already 25°C this morning too. Breakfast in the...

Day 11 - Baltimore/Philadelphia

Comfortably after getting up, we left our KOA Campground Cherry Hill in College Park. It was suppose...

Day 10 - Washington D.C.

Unbelievable what this city has to offer. I think D.C. is completely rightfully the capital of this ...

Tag 10 - Maryland

And once again we have conquered a state, including a Starbucks cup. A lot of forest, water and natu...

Day 9 - Chesapeake Bay - Virginia Beach - Cape Charles

Another night on a Walmart well survived. You won't believe it, but I know a police officer here in ...

Day 8 - Raleigh-Zebulon

We only have a little internet today, so here's a brief update. We drove 300 miles and are very prou...

Day 7 - Chattanooga - Gatlinburg - Waynesville

We conquered perhaps the most famous mile in the States this morning. In Chattanooga, there is the s...

Day 6 - Grand Ole Opry - Lynchburg - Chattanooga

Today we said goodbye to our beautiful campground and continued south. But before that, we made a st...

Tag 5 - Nashville

A day full of music is behind us and I have to tell you, I'm very surprised by Nashville. Of course,...

Day 4 - Off to Music City

Our first night in the R.V. was very pleasant without any major disturbances. Only at five a young l...

Day 3 - RV to Indianapolis

Hello, greetings from the Walmart parking lot in Indianapolis... The day started off relaxed in Chic...

Day 1 in Chicago

Yes, that was the first day again. We arrived here in Chicago in the afternoon, we were on the road ...

Tripad.... Was?

www.tripadvisor.de ist in diesen Tagen wohl die von mir meistgeklickte Seite... Das ist sehr hilfrei...

Der Sommer ist zurück...

Heute ging es zurück in die Heimat, von Hessen nach Rostock, das ganze bei gut 35°C phasenweise. So ...

10 Tage Countdown

Noch 10 Tage dann sind wir am Ziel unserer diesjährigen Urlaubsträume angelangt. Bis dahin heißt es ...

17.00 Uhr - Feierabend/Sonnenbrand

Das schönste ist es doch, wenn man dem Wetterbericht vertrauen darf. Ab heute sollte...

18°C - Midsummer in August

This is not yet America, but the skyline of Frankfurt am Main, my current 'home' and it is not only ...