

已發表: 09.08.2023

05.08.2023 - 07.08.2023


We spend two and a half much too short days together with Mariella and Christian in Lin, which with its only 600 inhabitants and the natural, dominating Lake Ohrid, always brings back memories of Lake Constance. However, with the difference that here again all people meet us warmly, even more warmly.

We talk with our host family about family and other important things and I let myself be fed potatoes by their one-year-old son and learn what airplane runway is called in Albanian. We play cards with Nesti, the oldest son, and his grandfather, who casually drinks his first Raki at 10:00 and radiates so much warmth and peace that I briefly wish to be a child again.

In the afternoon, we hike along the shore and swim. The water is wonderfully clean and warm, and during a stop, we meet Daniela from Frankfurt, who will be our next travel companion.

We spend the last evening fun and close to Mariella and Christian by the water, with wine and romantic stories about racecourses and the number 11. It's such a shame that we can't continue to accompany them, but their path leads southwest, ours northeast, and that's exactly the direction Daniela will be heading the next day.


An interesting scene for me was at the outer edge of the peninsula when an Albanian reverently placed new candles in a mini-bunker with holy pictures. Not to mention my ubiquitous favorite animals on the roadside: friendly donkeys and goats....

Furthermore, I notice how we increasingly rely on our intuition and always fare well with it....this applies to routes, people, atmosphere... However, it becomes difficult as soon as we plan too much or deliberately decide against our initial intuition. Then conflicts can arise, but we have always managed to solve them surprisingly well, considering that we have been together continuously for 7 weeks and have had to make countless decisions 😅.

回答 (2)

Joh, herrlich. War, allein, mit Frau und mit Freunden etliche Male da. Immer wieder toll, wie freundlich die Leute trotz der vielen Besucher immer noch sind. Meine Frau kann etwas Albanisch und hat dadurch schon etliche nette Begegnungen gehabt. Ich bin ab Anfang September wieder mit dem Motorrad in der Gegend, ein Abstecher nach Lin gilt als gesetzt. Gruß aus dem Sauerland Detlev Simon

Danke für dein schönes Kommentar! Leider habe ich erst jetzt entdeckt, wie ich auf Kommentare antworten kann ;) Ganz liebe Grüße ins Sauerland!
