
Gjirokastra and a 'Black Eye'

已發表: 10.05.2022

Back in Albania! We were really excited about it. First, we went to the Blue Eye below Gjirokastra. The Blue Eye is a karst spring and gets its name from the bright limestone and the breaking sunlight. This gives it the deep blue color that also gives it its name. The exact depth of the spring has not yet been determined. The temperature is 12.75 °C. Why the spring dried up temporarily in the summer of 2004 is still unknown.

Currently, the access to the Blue Eye is under construction. Therefore, we had to park below the dam and hike 1.7 km up and down to the spring on serpentine roads. There were quite a few tourists on site. Nevertheless, it was possible to take good pictures and actually go into the water. We didn't do that but instead walked back slowly and drove to the campsite in Gjirokastra. It was time to do the laundry again.

On the first day, we met some very relaxed campers. Andrea and Ralf from Dresden as well as Beate and Robert from Namibia. We talked shop, gossiped, exchanged stories and phone numbers, and shared travel tips. By the way, Beate and Robert also have an interesting travel blog:

Take a look. I can assure you it's exciting.

And then it was time to say goodbye again and we took a look at Gjirokastra. With 29 degrees Celsius, we went up to the castle. It towers high above the city and contains, among other things, three museums. And you have a sensational view over Gjirokastra. The path leads through the old town with its bazaar. Here too, there was a lot of craftsmanship, traditional items, and of course souvenirs. On the way back, we dined in a small restaurant, a recommendation from Andrea and Ralf. And it was really worth it. Everything was freshly prepared by the owner's wife. When saying goodbye, Ronny was asked by the boss to take a picture with him. Ronny's beard seems to be a highlight in Albania. That would go on the picture wall in the restaurant, according to the boss. Actually, there were already several pictures hanging there. So if you're ever in Gjirokastra, maybe you'll see the picture in a small restaurant. Let us know 😉

