
Saddle the chickens, end of the line Calgary!

已發表: 29.11.2017

Sorry, I took an extra day off than originally planned. But now I'm back for you.

Where did we leave off, oh yes in Kamloops. We were done with that. All right!

After a hearty breakfast and warm farewell, we set off for the next stop. We had a good hour's drive ahead of us, so it was doable. In Sorrento, we booked our next short stay. A small village beautifully situated on a lake.

The car ride didn't offer much spectacular, just a lot of snow and mud. The weather was more geared towards rain. A typical cuddle-up-on-the-couch-and-watch-movies day :-).

Since we arrived a bit earlier than agreed, we drove to the neighboring town of Salon Arm. According to our last Airbnb host, I really have no idea what the appropriate expression for it is. I think you know what I mean... Anyway, she said 'Salon Arm' would be so beautiful! Well, let's go then, we still had some time left anyway. Well, the disappointment was pretty big when we arrived there. The main street consisted more or less only of 'food stalls' like Subway, Tim Horton, etc. Well, okay. So we drove towards the lake. There we had some really funny encounters with a stable full of ducks. I was temporarily a duck mom and carried out the 'predator feeding' *laughs*

I had never really taken the time to watch ducks. It was really a very funny spectacle to watch.

Eventually, it was finally time for us to move in. A very warm and hairy welcome was awaiting us there. Again, an extremely friendly couple with a dog. Tobi, the 8-month-old dog of the couple, was thrilled to have us visit. A little fluff ball and so sweet.

Then they showed us our room. I must admit it was one of the nicest rooms we have stayed in. Take a look for yourself.

The motto here was attention to detail. It was really a beautiful and especially huge house. If I remember correctly, it was around 5 p.m., it was slowly getting dark outside... wasn't there something?! Oh yeah, maybe food. Despite the recommendations of the couple, it was really difficult to find something decent. After a long search, we eventually stopped at a snack bar. The staff there were really super nice, but honestly, I had the worst lasagna of my life :-(. Carina had more luck with her pizza. It also had a very interesting topping, which I haven't seen before. Listen to this: firstly, the pizza crust is thicker than in Germany, really fluffy. And secondly, the topping: attention, it had ham, bacon, pineapple, green bell pepper, tomatoes, and cheese. It was an interesting combination, I must admit...

On the next day, Sunday by the way, we had our phone dates on the program. Somehow it has become a tradition for me to call home and talk to my boyfriend on Sundays. Those who know me well know that I really enjoy it - little rituals like that. It brings a lot of relief and makes the distance more pleasant. I'm always so excited to see everyone.

After the Skype date and breakfast, we continued on. Next stop was Revelstoke. Now we had a 1 hour and 36 minutes car ride ahead of us. Since I didn't really sleep much during the night, I had to catch up on that. I'm sorry, but there aren't many pictures of the landscape here. Okay, to be precise, there are none *hehe*

But that was our great accommodation. I was awake again. Unfortunately, I can't upload the video. I had filmed our little apartment, it was just amazing. A little kingdom just for us, even with a washing machine and dryer. We were completely speechless :-)

In the evening, we really felt like having something typical Canadian. But there is nothing more than maple syrup. There doesn't really seem to be any typical food, except for special salmon. To make a long story short, we didn't find any typical food, but we did find a really cool bar with charm.

It seems to be mainly frequented by locals. Really cool there!

So the next morning, it was the same routine as always: packing, breakfast, and off we go. Busy life, I would say *laughs*. Now we're heading to Banff. On the way, we not only had a lot of snow, but also crossed the border from British Columbia to Alberta.

First like this!

Then like this!

And finally like this :-)

Finally arrived after a three-hour drive.

Unfortunately, there were no affordable Airbnbs there, so we had to take a hotel for 2 nights. The price was also completely fine. But we quickly realized that this hotel life didn't quite meet our expectations anymore. Things as essential as cutlery and plates were unfortunately not available.

On our arrival day, we strolled around the shops in the evening.

A huge store, to make you feel like a cowboy or rather a cowgirl afterwards.

Ideal sweet shopping street with small shops and souvenir stores.

The snow just didn't stop. :-)

A few snapshots of the area.

And of course, I can't be missing. :-) I asked a younger passerby if he could take some pictures of me and the landscape. He agreed. The end result was that I had several selfies of him on my phone... why did I know that would happen. *Laughs*

My last breakfast on the day of departure. It really looks delicious and it tasted good too, just take a look at the bowl. It was my salad box from the night before... you have to be resourceful in times of need.

Packing everything back up, we headed to Calgary. We needed just under 1.5 hours to get there. The landscape fascinated me as well. For me, it had more flair than just the mountains.

We saw a ranch on the highway. I was already going crazy inside when I read that and we drove straight there. Unfortunately, we couldn't take any close-up pictures as the gate was locked. Apparently, the people there don't get visitors often ;-)

We arrived in Calgary and this is where Carina and I parted ways for the first time. I had found accommodation near Downtown and I don't think I could have found a better place. More about Calgary and how it went for me there, tomorrow. Good night!
