
When I would drive 500 miles...

已發表: 03.05.2019

Yesterday spent a whole day on the road. This time we made it through and finally arrived in Adelaide - with a few spectacular overtaking maneuvers by Basti (I had to mention that). We will spend the next few nights in an airbnb relatively outside the city. That was a good thing too. The weather forecast announces 3 days of rain, so it's no fun to sleep in the car. The night before last proved that to us. If we hadn't woken up, the car would have been under water in the morning. Note: Mosquito nets are water-permeable. The airbnb is... well how do I put it... Asian influenced. It smells like food all day. The bed reminds me of a summer camp - a dent in the middle and you're lying directly on the springs of the mattress.

Today I woke up with a nice cold. Into the bath and then to the pharmacy. With a little bit of mimimi we spent the rest of the day in the city. Much smaller than Melbourne, it almost reminds me a bit of Dresden... Almost. The rain didn't leave us alone, so we headed home in the early afternoon. Now a little Netflix and Chill, then the cold will surely be almost gone.

回答 (2)

Lass dich gut pflegen !! LG

Hey ihr Weltenbummler, Ihr entwickelt euch wohl langsam zu echten "Fernfahrern" 😉 Fahrt vorsichtig und denkt dran immer schön '' links fahren'.😅Liebe Grüsse nach Adelaide