
Travelmates - check ✔

已發表: 25.05.2019

Yesterday we outdid ourselves. We were wide awake at 6:30am. So we got up, had breakfast and then set off. What sounds fast actually took a whole 3 hours in reality, so we didn't get in the car until half past 9. We knew from the other German couple that they wanted to go to Coffs Harbor. In between, they wrote to us that they were following our plan and coming to the Dorrigo Rainforest National Park with us. There was a lookout platform 70m above the rainforest waiting for us. What a view! Afterwards, we took a short hike deep into the rainforest and admired another waterfall. Back at the car, we arranged to have a BBQ, since we were now also heading to the same caravan park. We quickly went shopping at Woolworths (they are better equipped for vegans than for meat eaters) and then set off. We couldn't resist a little workout on the beach. Then we met at the grill. Sausages, an incredibly tasty steak, and vegan burgers. With beer and wine.. treating ourselves to a little something. However, the Aussies really can't do sausages on the grill. They're made of pure beef and taste like they've already been chewed. During the day, the two of them had discovered a small beach bar that we wanted to visit for a cocktail. Okay... we found it. But the cocktail... It was probably the most expensive water ever 😁 they have a habit of mixing everything with sparkling water here, so the alcohol was practically non-existent. And to top it all off, we had to eat something since only drinking was not allowed. Now, someone might ask 'How are you?'. The answer would be 'Broken!' Thank goodness we were prepared and bought 2 bottles of wine. We finished one of them in the camp kitchen. Then the lights were turned off. Half past 9. Ooookay, then off to bed^^

Today we covered almost 250km back to Byron Bay. One of the most popular holiday destinations for Aussies. You could also tell by the price of the caravan park. We paid fucking 68 dollars - for one night!!!! What's going on here... There were also clouds... but we didn't want to miss out on beach time. After we had prepared Jeepy (with a brand new huge mosquito net), we played a round of volleyball and the mood improved immediately. Now let's see what the other two are doing and maybe finish off wine bottle No. 2.

回答 (1)

Tolle Fotos. Liebe von daheim. Hier gibt's jetzt auch lecker Erdbeeren.