
Pure nature

已發表: 08.05.2019

What a day! After a very sleepless night, we started with the ferry to Kangaroo Island. Let's just say.. The waves were at least 10m high 😉 I would rather swim back than go on the ferry again. But it was really worth it. Today, for a change, we're going with a tour guide. Such sunshine! The weather, on the other hand, was so-so... first stop: a sheep farm. The farmer demonstrated sheep shearing to us - a rather unattractive activity for Basti^^ next stop was a eucalyptus distillery. Unfortunately, unlike expected, they brewed eucalyptus oil there instead of liquor.. we also saw many kangaroos basking in the sun. After lunch, the highlight of the day came: sea lions on the beach. Just like that. Huge animals. And so lazy. One would like to have such a life 😁 Upon arriving at the accommodation, we saw our first koala. And wallabies. And possums. And an echidna. And kangaroos. Pure nature, indeed. Since we're on an adventure tour, there also had to be kayaking. The two of us, one kayak, one river. It took exactly 10 seconds until I was soaked. Mission failed. Kayak out. Then the sun came out again. Kayak back on the river. Paddled for 500m, rain. Back, out of the kayak, quickly under a warm shower. After a hearty barbecue, we had a real camping feeling. We lit a small campfire, sat together and grilled marshmallows. By now, we have also broken the record for staying awake. It's already 9:30 PM!

回答 (1)

Hallo Ihr Lieben...das klingt ja wie im Zoo. So viele Tiere.😉 Sind gespannt, wie es bei euch weiter geht?! Bis die Tage...☺