
Hello Norway

已發表: 15.06.2023

After our last panoramic view of Sweden, we continued our journey towards the border. An unspectacular crossing, the houses after the customs line were no longer painted red, but brown with overgrown roofs, cute.

The landscape changed quickly, lush green meadows, forests, mountains, rivers, railway could think you had just entered Switzerland.

A few kilometers later, densely populated area, the first darkness in many days (when driving through a tunnel), passing an airport and onto the highway.

Decided to drive to a campsite before Trondheim and from there ride the bicycles for the nearly 20 km to the supposedly bike-friendly city.

The place is amazing, terraced layout, so everyone has an amazing view over the fjord. Short aperitif with a view and off on the bikes.

It's true that Trondheim is a bike city, bicycles usually have right of way, there are bike roads and paths everywhere, great.

We immediately liked Trondheim very much, friendly and totally relaxed people, besides the bicyclists there are also many joggers, they meet up in one of the many establishments for a drink; they seem to be enjoying the summer. Only the bicycle elevator could not be found, which supposedly only exists here in the world.

Back at the campsite, admired the sunset over the fjord. It feels like the sun is moving almost horizontally, circling us once a day. It disappeared behind the mountains around 11:30 p.m., and the first rays of sunshine were already peeping through the window shortly after 3 a.m.

It's really nice to have such long days, but at the same time I'm looking forward to a night of darkness.

