Into the Unknown
Into the Unknown

A journey through the Shire

已發表: 31.07.2020

English version below.

A long and exerting march lies behind us. It took us four days to cover the 40 km from Višnja Gora to Mirna. We had to carry a lot of luggage (8 kg of provisions and water alone); the hot weather and the hilly landscape added to the challenge. But we felt like the hobbits on their way out of the Shire; quaint forests with wild violets and moss-covered rocks, swaying meadows and charming villages lined our path. We even came across an enchanting ruined castle.

On such a hike, you also learn to appreciate the small things in life: a shady spot or a bench by the wayside to rest, a warm meal for dinner, or simply a beautiful place to camp. And there was plenty of that.

The nature here is truly incredible. Falcons, buzzards, and storks circled above us during the day, and at night we heard stags roaring, wild boars squealing, and owls hooting. There are supposed to be bears and wolves here too, but we haven't encountered them yet (though we have encountered the mosquitos...).

We were also overwhelmed by the kindness of the people here. In Višnja Gora, we were provided with a practical hiking map and two snail-shaped pendants, the symbol of the town. And a little further on, a kind older gentleman politely showed us the way. When we asked for water, we were always warmly welcomed. An older woman even offered us more cookies and apples than we could carry. However, we politely declined the offer of beer and a lift to the next town.

Now we have arrived at Mirna Castle and are helping to awaken the 'sleeping beauty'. But that is a story for another time...

回答 (3)

Hallo ihr beiden, Chapeau für eure Wanderung. Hört sich beschwerlich, aber auch back to the nature, an. Wie ihr das Hier und Jetzt genießt, schätzt und euch zufriedenstellt, toll. Ich wünsche euch weiterhin so tolle Erfahrungen. Grüßle von Sindy

Hammer, hört sich anstrengend an die Tour, dafür tolle Natur 🌳🌲🌿und Erlebnisse 🐗🦉 Hoffentlich keine 🐻🐻🐻😁🙏 Liebe Grüße

Hallo ihr! :) Danke für die netten Kommentare! Dieses Wochenende hatten wir mal die Ruhe, mehr zu schreiben und uns auch alles durchzulesen. Wir haben nicht immer die Zeit (oder das Internet), um sofort zu antworten, aber wir lesen es auf jeden Fall und freuen uns über eure Nachrichten. :) Also dann, schöne Grüße und bis demnächst! Mary und Stefan
