Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt VII - Uganda
Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt VII - Uganda

A day of relaxation

已發表: 24.08.2023

After the strenuous gorilla trekking, we had a day of relaxation today. Except for Frauke and Helen, who, unlike us, only do 1 gorilla trekking, we slept in before we met for late breakfast. Meanwhile, Helen and Frauke were on their way to see the golden monkeys. The small, lively monkeys, like the mountain gorillas, are only found here in the Uganda-Rwanda-DR Congo triangle. The two would tell us about their experiences in the evening.

While Henni borrowed a SUP in the morning and paddled around the first island, I made myself comfortable on a lounger and enjoyed the view of the lake. The other two, Evi and Manfred, did a little tour in the dugout canoe. After lunch we finally went swimming. The water quality is suitable for swimming, but more importantly - there are no crocodiles and hippos here.

In the afternoon the group was complete again and while Frauke and Helen were telling their stories about the cheeky little monkeys, who like to throw sticks at the tourists, there was a small boat trip across Lake Mutanda.

After dinner we went to bed promptly, because the next morning the alarm clock rang early for the second gorilla trekking.

