
Still more to come ✌

已發表: 31.03.2022

One of the best strategies is and remains simply to go 🙂 We had planned to take a trip over the old city wall of Heraklion. Instead, we got remarkable views, some secret places and pleasant moments here in Crete. Hopefully the pictures will give you a little impression again.

After we left work behind, we were kindly driven to the start of the city wall. By now, the incidents in traffic are no longer a novelty, but I won't get used to them either 🤕😅 Geographically, I was completely off track today. But if you only have to follow one path and one city wall, that doesn't matter too much. After a few breaks to marvel and let my gaze wander, we suddenly found ourselves in a small quarter with beautiful house paintings. It was by no means the best quarter of the city, but the paintings on the houses were so lovingly and authentically done that the contrasts had a lasting effect on me. On the way back to the city center, following the motto 'follow your nose', the smell from a shop tempted us to stop. I would describe it as a small regional organic shop, like the ones that started in Germany many years ago. The homemade falafel, herb-filled pastry or green juices there were so amazing that we treated ourselves to a snack - absolutely worthwhile 👍👍

Tomorrow is my last day of work here and also the last evening in Heraklion before catching the flight back to everyday life on Saturday. I think I have the best strategy ready again 😄

