Where have you been lately ...?
Where have you been lately ...?

From Sea to Sky

已發表: 26.06.2019

The ferry from Victoria to Horseshoe Bay, north of Vancouver, leaves promptly at 11:05 a.m. On a sunny day, we head out to sea.

The ferry is only half booked, so there is plenty of deck space... This time there are relatively many Germans on board and a few Dutch people as well.

The sea is calm, so it is nice to enjoy the 2-hour crossing sitting in the sun.

As we get closer to the mainland, the residential areas become more beautiful. Many small islands are actually inhabited. One island stands out in particular: there are a lot of houses built here, and to the left of them is a small house on an equally small island. A perfectly isolated location. Memories of Alcatraz in San Francisco come to mind. However, this is not a prison...

Many things remind us of Scandinavian nature and way of life. Wooden houses with lots of glass and stone.

Arriving in Horseshoe Bay, we continue our journey towards Whistler. Passing through forest fire areas, we enter a landscape that we have not experienced so far and that we also expect from Canada. So far, the stay and the things we have seen have not been boring, but something special, something typical of Canada was missing. Of course, the weather also plays a role. Today the sun is shining from a blue sky with few clouds, perfect pictures... and the view of snow-capped mountains.

The first destination is Shannon Falls. The water masses plunge down from a height of over 330 meters. It is the second highest waterfall in Canada (according to Wikipedia) and looks fantastic.

Just 600 meters further, the next highlight awaits: with the Sea-to-Sky Gondola, we ascend about 880 meters and, upon arrival, enjoy a perfect panoramic view of the mountains and the Howe Sound.

The seemingly obligatory suspension bridge in Canada awaits the willing visitor. Not everyone takes the free chance to thrill their nerves. Only the bravest have no concerns... (Although the refuser could have managed that too... but the destination did not seem more tempting than being on the safe side...)

After a refreshment and a visit to the souvenir shop (magnets for the pin board are always welcome souvenirs), we head back to the valley.

After another 35 km, in which Thorsten FINALLY saw a living bear at the edge of the forest and this was worth a shout of joy, the destination of the day is reached: Whistler. Partial venue of the 2010 Winter Olympics. A typical winter sports town, beautifully designed with beautiful chalet-style houses.

The hotel room is spacious and well-equipped. Apart from a fireplace, there is also a bathtub with a whirlpool. Actually nothing special, except that the bathtub is in the actual hotel room. Next to the bed. Very strange...

These impressions had to be processed first, so we will continue here tomorrow - probably.

