
פאָלקס דעסטאַניישאַנז גריכנלאנד

בעסטער רייזע צייט גריכנלאנד

גריכנלאנד כיילייץ

ניו און ארויסגעשטעלטע רייזע בלאָגס גריכנלאנד

21.08.2018 - Kavala and Peramos

Day 18, visit Kavala, Nea Peramos

20.08.2018 - Nea Peramos

Tag 17, Nea Permos, Strand

19.08.2018 - Elaioxori and Peramos

Day 16, Elaioxori and Peramos

18.08.2018 - Almyra, Peramos, Known

Day 15, Almyra Beach, Mimis' house, Peramos

17.08.2018 - Departure from St. Nikolaus Monasteries, Kavala, Nea Peramos

Day 14, St. Nikolaus Monasteries, Kavala, Nea Peramos

16/08/2018 - Bird center and trip to the Evros Delta

Day 13, Early tour to the vultures and then to the Evros Delta

14.08.2018 - Kerkini, Dripstone Cave, Filipi, Kavala, Tychero (Dadia National Park)

Day 11, departure from Kerkini, via Serres, Alistris, Drama, Filipi, Kavala to Tychero in Dadia Nati...

13.08.2018 - Water buffalo, buffalo farm and much more

Day 10, inspected reservoir, water buffalo and buffalo farm

12.08.2018 - West route around the lake

Day 9, around the lake in a different way

08-08-2018 - Sun, beach, sea

Day 5 - Enjoying pure sunshine

07.08.2018 - Day trip to Meteora, dinner by the sea

Day 4 - Tour Meteora, Volos, Agria, Syki

06.08.2018 - Syki, Argalasti, Melani Beach

Day 3, explored Melani, swam, sunbathed

05/08/2018 - Arrival and Arrival in Syki / Siki - Pilion

Day 2 of the trip and arrival at the first accommodation!