
טראַוועלאָגעס סלאָוואַקיאַ

בעסטער רייזע צייט סלאָוואַקיאַ

סלאָוואַקיאַ כיילייץ

ניו און ארויסגעשטעלטע רייזע בלאָגס סלאָוואַקיאַ


Excursion to the Slovakian capital with a Free Walking Tour and lots and lots of stairs.

1 Tour start - Road closures - Bratislava

The great Danube bike tour begins with the Vienna - Bratislava section.

Bratislava - modern metropolis with historical old town

We stroll through Bratislava and explore the wine region.

Berge Ade - heading west into the wine region

We are switching to the wine region, visiting a village with painted wooden houses and beautiful old...

From the Robber Monument to the Fatra Ridge.

We hike on the Fatra Ridge in strong wind and clouds.

Durch eine wild - romantische Felsenschlucht

Hiking through narrow rock crevices, wooden bridges, steep ladders, and slippery rocks

Change of location to Mala Fatra with castle visit

In a different time at the castle and beautiful Vratna Valley

Sightseeing in the Orava (Arwa) region

We experience the culture of the Orava region on our sightseeing tour.

To go hiking in the Western Tatras (Roháče)

Continuing to the Western Tatras and a day hike to beautiful mountain lakes

Up and down - and in between a beautiful mountain experience

Hiking day on the ridge of the Low Tatras mountain

Auf Kultur folgt Natur

Hiking in beautiful nature and visiting a cave

Sightseeing tour of historical cities

Exciting day tour in central Slovakia

Attractions on the way

Stroll through an arboretum, visit a monastery, and explore a mining town

Kick-off in Slovakia

Nitra - oldest city in Slovakia

Traveling in Corona Times - through Slovakia

17 days by car through various regions of Slovakia