בעסטער רייזע צייט דייטשלאנד

דייטשלאנד כיילייץ

ניו און ארויסגעשטעלטע רייזע בלאָגס דייטשלאנד

Binoculars - About us

Hello there, nice to have found our blog. We start with a little introduction. ❤️

Start on vacation

On the way to Greece

Lüneburg Heath: Pietzmoor, carriage ride and heath garden

On our last day of vacation, we visited Pietzmoor, took a carriage ride, and visited the heath garde...

Cute Wilsede

During the hike to Wilsede, we saw Heidschnucken and a hopping heath dweller.

Inside Out

Everything was turned upside down in the wacky house, after shopping in the outlet center we went hi...


The condition of the 175 Berlin subway stations is very diverse, both in terms of construction and c...

From Lustadt to Munich

300 km in 6 hours