
Lion hunting in Etosha

Chop etilgan: 28.01.2019

Well-rested, we drive back to "our" waterhole in the morning. As we get closer, our excitement grows: will it be as thrilling as yesterday?

And when we turn the corner, we can't believe our eyes in joy: an elephant at the waterhole! Maxi and I had wished for it so much, and she said she had been crossing her fingers for an elephant the whole way.

The elephant stands there and drinks leisurely, while we sit in the car and watch. A group of ostriches drinks (or rather slurps very sweetly), groups of wildebeest come to drink from time to time, and we are the only ones enjoying this spectacle. Unfortunately, the elephant didn't want to spray water or trumpet. When it gets too hot for us at 40 degrees after three quarters of an hour, we drive back to the camp and jump into the pool to cool off. And for the first time in a long time, all four of us treat ourselves to a nap.

In the late afternoon, we drive back into the park (we live right in front of the gate) (where we are already recognized and greeted kindly at the controls since yesterday). We would love to see lions again! But unfortunately, there is yawning emptiness at the waterhole today. There really is nothing happening here! We continue a bit disappointed, and somehow miss another described waterhole. We are already too far away from the gate, which closes at sunset. So, back we go, we have really seen a lot in the last few days. We encounter a cute desert hare.

As we approach "our" waterhole, we can't believe our eyes. Just now there was yawning emptiness, now there are several lionesses with their cubs sitting to the left of the road. The more you look, the more you see hidden everywhere on the meadow!!!! This is unbelievable! Madness!!!!

The lions have their eye on a small lonely wildebeest calf (after a giraffe galloping away quickly). One of them creeps closer bit by bit. The calf stands still and doesn't know how to help itself correctly. Nothing happens for minutes. Several cars follow this exciting spectacle. Everyone is tense and holding their breath. Suddenly, two lions sprint towards the calf, but they don't catch it. "Luckily," we thought. When suddenly two more lions from the other side, from a distance, pounce on the calf and tear it apart. All you can see is a big cloud of dust!!! And then they take it to the waterhole and eat it. Meanwhile, the lion cubs on the meadow had gotten up from their cuddling position and watched the spectacle with great interest.

We drive a bit further to the waterhole to watch them eat. The other lions, scattered on the meadow in the grass, all trot slowly towards it.

We are all totally excited and overwhelmed by this unexpected and thrilling experience. And we feel sorry for the little wildebeest, we would have liked it to escape.

Then we had to quickly go to the gate, we just make it out before closing time. On the way, we quietly enjoy the beautiful sunset.

Maxima: "today was more beautiful than watching the iPad..."

And Lio: "now are we allowed to say 'awesome' and 'amazing'?"
