
Übernachten bei Königs im Vorgarten

Chop etilgan: 16.08.2022

Stockholm was great, but the campground was not. That's why we weren't sad when we moved on.

Our next stop was Trosa, a small harbor town. Really small. About an hour's walk, including eating ice cream.

From there we went to Tullgarns Slott, a summer palace of the Swedish royal family. And there you could spend the night in an orchard. That's how you end up sleeping in the front yard of kings. By the way, a very idyllic place with a small chapel, café, bathing area, and a large castle park.

The next day we wanted to hike in the archipelago. But 'Oh dear' there were hundreds of cars and motorhomes in the parking lot. So we turned around and found a place to stay near a small harbor. Full of anticipation for the next day to explore the archipelago. And then... it thundered and poured rain the next morning. A bit embarrassed, we continued towards Oxelösund, where there is an old bunker complex in the middle of a nature reserve. And it was really beautiful there. Except for a few occasional hikers, we were alone. Us and the beautiful nature - and: a German film crew. They were filming an Inga Lindström movie in the middle of the forest. Unfortunately, all the roles were already taken, so it didn't work out for our film career once again.

Then we went to a small spot behind a cow pasture. Such places have the advantage that they are often beautiful and usually host masses of mosquitoes and flies. However, both the mosquitoes and we had a fairly peaceful night.

Javob (1)

Schade! Ich hätte dann wirklich das erstel mal einen Lindströmfilm angeguckt, mit dir in der Hauptrolle.

Sayohat hisobotlari Shvetsiya