
Quarantine week

Chop etilgan: 19.02.2022

It's almost time.

The last days of quarantine went by - like all days - quite calm and relaxed. However, as you can see in the pictures, I have to say that the quality and variety of the food has (slightly) decreased. I'm really looking forward to the first proper and especially warm meal with Soju.

The food did leave an interesting thing behind though: When there was bread with jam in the morning, I already wondered how it would work without a knife, but the Koreans have a clever solution for that problem. The jam can be squeezed out of the small tube, so you don't need a knife at all. Quite practical, although you can't lick the tube afterwards :D

In Seoul there are currently elections going on, which is why there are small vans driving around in the afternoon and evening, advertising for their candidate. The last one was still driving enthusiastically through the streets at 8 p.m.

While I was sunbathing in the room yesterday, I watched the snowfall outside today.

In the last picture you can still see my workplace of the last days. Since I don't have a desk here and can't write from the bed, I put the nightstand on the sideboard and built myself a standing desk with the help of empty food boxes.

Currently I'm still waiting for the result of the 2nd PCR test and hope that I will be released from quarantine tomorrow!

Best regards from Seoul :)


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