
Roys Peak Track - absolutes Highlight

Chop etilgan: 01.01.2024

Today it was my hike to Roys Peak. I don't know why, but I'm a little excited.

Shortly after 10, Benny dropped me off at the parking lot and I set off (Benny already ran two days ago in the late afternoon). At first it was ok, then super steep and I thought oh god and then it was relatively 'flat' for a while and you could walk well. You really had reception the whole way, cool. I also overtook a few at the top, feels good.

Then I took a break and ate my muesli bar and enjoyed the view of Lake Wanaka, sparkling blue in the sunshine, and the mountain peaks. You have it in front of you all the way up, which really didn't make the hike boring, even though we had read that in reports beforehand.

But the last 200 m were tough and then just like that I was at the top and was as happy as a snowcake that I had climbed over 950 m in just over 2 hours. Wow, felt good.

Not once did I think 'oh gosh I hate it'. The path was easy to walk, but I don't seem to be able to cope well with steps. But it was definitely tiring and I was really glad that we took turns doing it without E. I also sang 'And I will walk 500 Miles' on a loop in my head :D

When I arrived at the viewpoint (yes, neither of us got all the way up to the summit, it wasn't the goal) I changed my clothes briefly because the wind was really strong. Then while queuing for the 'Money Shot' (yep, I had to queue for about 20 minutes) I ate my sandwich and enjoyed the view.

I found the other (less photographed) side on the left to be at least as beautiful. Me and a nice Irish woman took photos of each other. Then it was time to descend, not to be underestimated, my knees noticed it. When I got down there, a nice family from Sydney took me the 5km back to Wanaka because E had just been sleeping.

Then we walked into the center again (yes walk again) and all ate a well-deserved ice cream and bought a bottle of wine from Wanaka.

I was already pretty tired during dinner and still happy and proud to have packed it, even so quickly. Felt gooood.


Yangi Zelandiya
Sayohat hisobotlari Yangi Zelandiya