
Day 21+22 of our hike

Chop etilgan: 12.01.2023

We set off again around 5:40. First, we followed the river for a while until we reached the point where we had to cross it. A plank carried 2 people across the river. Farina and I were looking forward to this little adventure until.......the rope broke.😐 They tried to fix it. But after a short time, it became clear that it was too unsafe. So we took off our shoes and started. The guides formed a chain to give us some support. I found a stick because short-legged people are at a disadvantage in such actions. Once we reached the other side, we had to climb 1200 stone steps before we saw the first terraces. A small ceremony was held here. Everyone was given some coca leaves, closed their eyes, and was supposed to put their negative energy into the leaves. Then, individually, each person threw their leaves into a fire pit. Eliseo explained that this was sort of his office, like a kind of admission ticket. Pablo then told us a lot about the history of Ciudad Peridad. After that, we passed by a highly spiritual person who put a bracelet on us and prayed for the natural elements. Then we reached the largest terraces with a wonderful view of the terraces below. Delicious snacks were also waiting here, and Eliseo sang a song for us. He repeatedly told us about the life of the Indigenous people in this area. As we later found out, this is not self-evident. Lucky us. After many photos, we started our way back. Crossed the river again and went back to the hut where we spent the night. We had lunch and a 30-minute break here. Then we continued walking to the hut where we had lunch yesterday. Heavy rain started again. In the evening, we gathered at a covered fireplace, and Eliseo talked about the upbringing of Indigenous children until their wedding. It's interesting that they are essentially married first, but can later get divorced and choose their own partner.

The last and fourth day, going up and down again, was especially muddy and slippery. I fell into the deep mud twice. What could I do? I just sat down in the next river up to my hips. I was already wet anyway. Fortunately, Farina reminded me of my phone. It was in the side pocket of my pants and had been acting up for 2 days. Some people also took a donkey for themselves or their luggage in between. When we arrived at the starting point, everyone applauded. Our group was very nice. After lunch, we were driven back to Santa Marta on a bumpy road and a highway.

Thank you for this unique experience.

Upon arriving in Santa Marta, it was clear that one night is not enough. We had to have our laundry done and plan for the next few days. I had stomach problems, but apart from feeling weak, it has improved. Since it is clear that we will only visit Peru for the departure, we still have plenty of time in Colombia. I had contacted a provider for Machu Picchu tours, but he said it's not possible at the moment. From tomorrow, we will visit Tayrona National Park for 3 nights.
