Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

The Cross with the Stave Church!

Опубліковано: 01.07.2022


A long-awaited highlight was within reach, as yesterday's sleeping place was not chosen randomly.

The Stave Church of Heddal was an attraction for the ignoble Gaijin, like the aromatically matured Surströmming is for the olfactory hardened Swedes, whose can already expands finesly in all directions and can only be opened in the deepest forest, under the supervision of a nervous bomb disposal squad.

In fact, the unworthy traveler had also managed to be there early enough to avoid encountering any crowds, so he strolled around and was able to take pictures undisturbed, only the interior of the wooden church was not available until 10 o'clock.

No problem, the fetid scoundrel will just wait a little longer.

Tickets were available in a coffee shop next door, and there were only 15 minutes to kill, so he chatted briefly with a young lady working there and rested my feet.

At 10 o'clock, the door opened and the angry BOSAMO wanted to scream!

The coffee hut had two entrances, one on the other side of the building, and what was previously empty of people was flooded by buses with tourists.

Unfortunately, the other entrance was opened first and the place was overcrowded with good-looking people...

Screw it! Let's get out of here!

At least there are beautiful exterior shots for my esteemed readership.

So, quickly escape with the noble steed, and it was the same game as yesterday:

The disappearing traveler often had to force himself to stop, as he had given in to the deepest craving for curves and his eyes just stayed stuck to the asphalt, so that no lying shit on the street would be overlooked and consequently unpleasant travel complaints could arise.

Although, when the ungainly Gaijin looks at the pictures from today, quite a lot of material for gawkers has been accumulated for the beloved lesbian staff.

So please, my esteemed ladies and gentlemen:

Feast your pretty, pleasing eyes on these beautiful Norwegian landscapes and swim through a cool, picturesque fjord in your dreams at night.

P.S.: It would be a dream of mine to not make any mistakes for once...

Відповідь (1)

Schade dass du in der Kirche nicht rein gegangen bist. Soo gefährlich sind Touristen auch wieder nicht..

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