Goodbye Sri Lanka

Опубліковано: 08.03.2019

Hello dear ones.

Well, we're back - Challenge accepted and completed. Check ... and now what?

Before we finish the blog and return to everyday life completely, we want to take a brief look back. Our wish is to recall the most important moments, events, and experiences and evaluate them with some distance. Something is still missing. Maybe a conclusion, a summary, a final word? We don't know yet, but we hope to see it someday...

About a month ago, "Backpacking for Beginners" was our starting point before flying to Sri Lanka. For us, it was about taking time off, disconnecting, and doing things we had always wanted to do. The experience of not planning and organizing everything, but doing it on our own and being completely flexible and spontaneous on site, was definitely intriguing.

It was certainly surprising for some people that we, who usually travel as classic package tourists in the lower luxury segment, dared to explore a completely foreign country with backpacks. Especially us, who usually check into Adults Only hotels, regularly go golfing, and are not particularly adventurous when it comes to food. But we are also spontaneous, adventurous, and relatively free of preconceptions. We rarely have prejudices, hardly any obstacles, and mostly no limits when it comes to trying new things. We are an incredibly strong, harmonious, and complementary couple.

And that was exactly what I experienced intensively in the last few weeks. There were so many moments when we enjoyed together, but also suffered together. There were so many highlights, encounters, breathtaking nature, and adventurous moments. But there was never a moment of insecurity, argument, or not being able to enjoy each other's company.

This shouldn't become a love letter, but it was great to experience all of this with Sina. It's exactly the way it should be. And why things sometimes don't work out or aren't as we wished, will probably have another reason.

Don't worry, I haven't converted to Buddhism and no, we actually didn't try yoga or Ayurveda either. Our journey took us from the west (Negombo) through the center of the country (Kandy, Nanu Oya, Ella, Uda Walawe), to the south (Tangale, Mirissa, Unawatuna) and past the beaches back to Colombo. The only crazy thing about it was that each region was completely unique and different. Everywhere looked different, the nature changed from destination to destination, and the people and their way of life were totally different. It's actually difficult for us to evaluate or rank it in any way. Without the round trip, we wouldn't have noticed the differences, and maybe it would have been different if we had started the route in the south.

But what we can say is that the center of the country is absolutely worth seeing. We fell in love with Ella, and not only did we fall in love with each other again, but also with the small town and the incredibly beautiful region. Walking freely on the railway tracks, climbing mountains, hiking through tea plantations, and constantly interacting with the locals were definitely highlights of our journey.

Of course, the sea fascinated us too, the wild waves, the pristine nature, and the seemingly endless palm-fringed beaches. The nights in the middle of the jungle were also outstanding. To see how the troop of monkeys searched for their daily path through the treetops, apparently undisturbed by our gaze. Where else can you experience something like this?

In general, I think nature captivated us. The wild greenery, the many animals, the sounds and smells. It was simply sensational. Being so close, we had never experienced that before.

And last but not least, it was the people who captivated us. We received so much, and most of it came from those who have the least. With the exception of one or two tiny exceptions, we only had encounters with friendly and lovely people. Most of the Sri Lankans seem to possess an absolute inner peace and balance.

But it must also be said clearly, there is still much room for improvement. Whether it's the political situation with the Tamils, the distribution of money within politics and society, the role of women, the treatment of stray animals, or the problem of plastic waste, there is still an incredible amount to do. There is still a lack of comprehensive and specific education or awareness on certain topics. There is a lack of a solid and strategic vision for the entire island, not just for the regions that appear interesting from a tourist or geostrategic perspective.

But that seems to be the big problem in many other countries around the world as well. And maybe that's exactly why we were actually happy to return to Germany in the end.

I think sometimes we are not aware of how good we have it and how far we have come. Moreover, I even think that we often trip ourselves up and slow ourselves down because of it. We waste time and energy complaining and lamenting instead of taking action ourselves and making a difference in our surroundings. We have the potential to do so - each and every one of us.

I have no idea if that was the answer to the question of my future development. And no, I haven't fallen into the fountain of wisdom and now have all the solutions to all of my, or rather our, problems. I just know that somehow it will work out. I am positive... We are positive!

We look forward to the future and will definitely embark on a backpacking trip again. Maybe not next year, but definitely at some point. There is still so much to discover, you just have to dare.

In the attachment, you will find our favorite photos of the last few weeks. We hope you enjoyed "being there" and say goodbye until we meet again.

Feel encouraged to go on your own adventures and let us be part of them. We look forward to it.

We love you, Sina and Matti!

