Uhlenkolk Wildlife Park

Опубліковано: 22.05.2021

The small Uhlenkolk Wildlife Park, which is free to enter, is located near Mölln.

Comparison of Fallow Deer and Roe Deer
Comparison of Fallow Deer and Roe Deer

Currently, due to the corona restrictions, only the main entrance is open and some paths are closed.

Eagle Owl
Eagle Owl

Therefore, on our tour, we were unable to see all of the over 30 native animal species that are actually at home in the wildlife park.


We saw piglets sunbathing and lying on top of each other in funny poses.


The polecat was particularly active and climbing around in its enclosure.


In the middle of the wildlife park is the "grundloser Kolk," a dead ice hole from the last Ice Age.

grundloser Kolk
grundloser Kolk

At the end of our walk, we also saw a deer in the free-roaming enclosure. We wanted to approach it cautiously to take a photo. After all, we had just read on the information boards that deer are easily frightened and will run away.


This particular deer apparently didn't know that: As soon as it spotted us, it ran straight towards us and sniffed at us in search of food. But since we didn't have anything, we quickly became uninteresting to it and it continued on its way.


And that's what we did as well, heading back home.

Rapeseed Field


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