
Day 38 DIJON 11.09.2022

Опубліковано: 13.09.2022

September 11th - a date that everyone knows. Here in Dijon, it is especially important as the day of liberation in 1944.

We wanted to start our city tour in the park nearby and visit the statue of the white polar bear. From a distance, we could already hear brass music and the entrance to the park was guarded by a policewoman who did not let any visitors in anymore. She explained to us that there was currently a ceremony taking place. And then we heard the French national anthem. It was moving to hear the people sing along. We then continued to the city gate. While searching for photo opportunities, I suddenly noticed that the marching band was forming in front of the gate, followed by flag bearers, men in uniforms, school children in school uniforms, and other citizens of the city. All marched through the city in step to the sounds of the orchestra.

My tour guide then led me, as always safely, past the sights using the city map. The owl helped him, always pointing out the sights on the pavement. Music was already coming from the market hall again, this time a bit jazzy. We had read the day before that there is always a brunch there on Sundays. A musician on the keyboard played lively rhythms using his whole body. As my husband said, he was really working. The atmosphere was good. But I wouldn't want to eat there because there was always a slight fishy smell.

The next stop was the supermarket, where we stocked up on mustard. After all, the city is known for its mustard. Mustard seeds came to Dijon as early as the 11th century. But only the nobles got to experience their healing effects. It wasn't until the 18th century that mustard became available to all social classes.

Then we discovered that there was a flea market. At first, we thought there were just a few stalls. But it turned out that entire streets were blocked off and lined with tables. Interesting.

After walking so much, we had to take a break and had a beer at 'Quentin'.

This time we had dinner at a Thai restaurant. But it also doesn't come below 50 €.


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