
Speechless in Glasgow....

Опубліковано: 12.09.2024


This morning we bid farewell to the sunrise and to lovely Amanda and Robert and headed towards Glasgow.

We arrived at our hotel around 11:00 AM. Of course, you might say: Huh?? 11:00 AM?? You can't even check in then. Right! You can't. That only starts around 3:00 PM. However, we anticipated that and simply marched towards Glasgow Centre.

People, I tell you.... it's pure sensory overload. We spent 11 days in the Lowlands enjoying tranquility and coziness. But here???? Goodness, what a hustle and bustle. And what completely blows my mind is the architecture of the old buildings here. Some of them proudly stand among the newly constructed office buildings, which mostly have glass facades all around. The first thing I saw was an old church, which looked sooooo strange until I realized it was reflecting in the glass front of the building across the street (the one I was looking at). But the old buildings? A showstopper at every turn. Sooo beautiful old facades with so many incredible details. Mr. Fü had to keep pulling me along because I was so astonished that I couldn't close my mouth and kept stopping at every corner. And they have such steep streets here, just how I imagine it to be in San Francisco. It took me quite a while to get used to this city. It had something disturbing for me. I can't describe it; I think you just have to experience and see it for yourself. In any case, today has been mega exhausting, not just for my feet but also for my brain.

So around 2:00 PM, we sneaked back to the hotel and treated ourselves to something delicious in the 'Soul Food Kitchen'. Then at 3:00 PM, we checked in and parked the car since Mr. Fü has 'no driving' in Glasgow. What we don't do on foot, Uber has to take care of for us.

Later, we went on a treasure hunt...we're looking for street art. There is a so-called 'Mural-Trail' in Glasgow. Most of the street art paintings are listed there, and if you're lucky, they're still there. Apparently, it's not like it is with us where it's absolutely frowned upon for street art or graffiti artists to spray over a colleague's painting. Nope.. here some really beautiful building murals have just been carelessly tagged or oversprayed. But we found some, and of course, we don't want to withhold them from you.

That's it for today... I need to put my feet up before they fall off.

We wish you a good night and say see you tomorrow.


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