Day 5 - From Burg to Barby

Опубліковано: 05.07.2019

Before we start with today's day, a small addition to yesterday. Of course, it's about food again. We walked from our accommodation to the center of Burg with good spirits to assess the situation. Given the beautiful weather, we wanted to eat outside if possible. Ideally in a beer garden. So we quickly googled and actually found a promising location, albeit a bit outside the center. But the website looked very promising, so we were willing to take the slightly more than a kilometer long walk. The nasty surprise came when we reached our destination. There was a restaurant, but it didn't have a beer garden. Plus, they were about to close. When we asked about the information on the website, we were told that they didn't have any. The solution to the riddle: Google Maps linked to the wrong page of a restaurant with the same name in Hessen. The people from the restaurant then recommended a Greek restaurant, which should also have outdoor seating. According to the information from both Google Maps and their own website, the place should have been open. But it was closed for renovation. In the end, we returned to the center and actually had a delicious meal outside at the Goldbroiler.

After a very good breakfast - the Villa Wittstock was the best and most affordable accommodation on our tour so far - we set off towards Magdeburg under a gray sky. But it didn't rain today either, apart from a few stray drops. The first highlight on the route was the bridge of the Mittelland Canal over the Elbe with its corresponding locks, an impressive structure. In Magdeburg, we took a look around the city center and then made our way to our destination for today, Barby. For the first time, we had to change our planned route due to the meteorological situation, as a ferry across the Elbe, which we wanted to use, was not in operation due to low water levels. Fortunately, in Barby, there was an old railway bridge that we could cross with our bikes.


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