Food and National Dish

Опубліковано: 21.10.2018

Americans love everything in oversized sizes. So here the refrigerators and freezers are huge, we dream of an oven and a microwave of this size. Most of the cars that drive here on Maui are high-rise pickups or jeeps. Small cars are hard to find here. You can also see the tendency towards big in the food containers. For example, a gallon (3.8 liters) of milk is cheaper than the smaller units. So we bought gallons of water and ice cream. That was a huge bucket! But since Martin loves to eat a lot of ice cream, we bought 2 buckets today. So 7.6 liters of ice cream! Oh my god !! 🙂

You can buy fruits here at stands by the roadside or at small markets. We eat pineapples every day, one costs between 4 and 5 USD. It tastes incredibly good, juicy and sweet, not comparable to those at home. Dragon fruit was also a highlight, the color was really beautiful. I didn't like papaya so much, Martin liked it and yesterday we got 3 star fruits from a private person for 1 USD. We don't know some vegetables or fruits at the stalls. 🤔

In the restaurant I ate a typical Hawaiian national dish. POKE. Main ingredients are:

Yellowfin tuna, sea salt, soy sauce, inamona, sesame oil, limu seaweed, chili pepper

A kind of fish salad made from different raw fish. I liked it very, very much. Here the Japanese and Polynesian cuisine also flow in.
