Art in the subway tunnel (20.08.2018)

Опубліковано: 24.01.2019

At 12:20 PM, Caro departed from Stockholm Central Station to Copenhagen.

Afterwards, Marie and I checked out the art in the subway tunnel. Some of the stations were designed by artists and thus, in my opinion, created a very nice atmosphere.

Before we headed back to our Airbnb one last time, where we had parked the car, we bought the delicious “Kanelbullar” from “Bröd&Salt” one more time.

In the subway station, the moment I had been waiting for finally happened. Before you can get to the platforms, you need to scan your ticket and if it is valid, the door opens and you can go through. So I placed my ticket on the scanner and the door opened. Marie somehow thought she could quickly go through the door and walked behind me. But at that moment, the door closed again, trapping her in between. The sight was so funny, seeing her all squeezed in. Then the door opened again, Marie went through, and from that point, the door went crazy. And I nearly fell on the floor from laughing. Luckily, Marie wasn't hurt, so we could continue to the platform after our laughing fit. Afterwards, we imagined what the person watching the videos from the security cameras would think. That thought was also really funny.

When we returned to the car, we headed for Västerås. Before checking in at the campsite, we went shopping there. We paid about 40€ for two nights at the campsite.

Then the first night in the tent started again.


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