
The Heart of the Fjords

Опубліковано: 30.09.2021

For the trip, there was a place on our list that we absolutely wanted to see live, because we have already read a lot about it and seen pictures.

Bergen, also called the 'Heart of the Fjords', is the second largest city in Norway, with the ambiance of a small town full of charm and urban flair. The picturesque pier in the Bryggen district, consisting of colorful old wooden houses, was once a trading center between Norway and the rest of Europe. Surrounded by fjords and mountains, including the Sognefjord: the deepest and longest fjord in the country.

It was very impressive to see all of this ourselves, but we were also a little relieved when we could leave the city life behind and see more land than people again.

Next stop was one of the waterfalls that we explained in more detail in the previous post. Since we know how small the world actually is, we parked next to a camper with license plates from Aachen, belonging to a very nice couple with a dog. We exchanged a few words with each other and were very happy to meet like-minded people. Best regards at this point! 😉

Then we continued. Looking for the next place to sleep, we noticed that one of the car's headlights was no longer working. When we read that a fine of 265 euros is supposed to cost, because there is a 24-hour light obligation here, it immediately became clear to us: We need a new bulb very quickly! So we googled the nearest friendly car workshop and were immediately served there as well. No problem, new bulb, let's continue! However, this fun cost us 25 euros, as VAT in Norway is 25% and such a small thing can quickly become expensive. Compared to other things here, it's already cheap again. And what must be done, must be done! We are responsible campers! 😁✌ And maybe also a bit stingy, to pay such a high fine.

Відповідь (1)

Wat mutt dat mutt, halt. 😉

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