

good night worldwide 

In Warsaw as Jan Ullrich

Arrived in Warsaw, I had to fight my way through the subway, tram, and bus jungle again.....

Danzig in the Moonlight...

After the flight from Stockholm and a 30-minute train ride, I had to get off at my destination stati...

Stockholm - beautiful but not for the narrow wallet

After 50 minutes of flying, I was able to take a beautiful view of the first bits of Sweden in the B...

I'm back - a new round, a new crazy ride - RIGA

Actually, I didn't want to continue the blog at all during this Eurotrip. But just now I browsed thr...

From the desert to the adventure

As mentioned in the last post, there is really nothing here and I was actually a bit sad about not v...

Willi - That's for you

Gua Musang. Why Gua Musang actually? Why doesn't the idiot just drive to the Rain Forest Resort wher...

Gestrandet, Pläne gescheitert, dennoch tolle Erfahrungen

After traveling for more than 10 hours with two buses, I was eventually dropped off at a deserted pl...

Hot shit dude...

Check first I was annoyed that I slept until 1pm the past few days! But actually