Bier- und Brauereireise USA
Bier- und Brauereireise USA

Copa Cervecera del Pacifico @ Ensenada, Mexico (21-22.03.)

Опубліковано: 03.04.2019

About Curt or QUAFF, I was appointed to the jury of the Copa Cervecera del Pacifico, a Mexican beer contest. Last year there were 300 beers submitted, this year there were 600. On the way there, I already experienced what Mexican time and Mexican way of life mean. For example, the toll booth for the highway was occupied by toll pirates, so we didn't have to pay for it (or we could have given them money). After many food breaks, we arrived slightly late (but still early by Mexican time) at the brewery (Cerveceria #159), where the tasting took place. However, in this category 'Specialty IPA', I had a very demanding and difficult task. 19 beers, 4 of them were really good (Red IPA, Brown IPA, and 2 Rye IPAs) and 15 were really bad. 2 of them were actually really good, but unfortunately in the wrong category and therefore not in style (a super Brut IPA as a Session IPA and a super Session IPA as a Brut IPA). However, this was probably messed up by the organization. That's Mexico for you.. After judging over 19 beers, which is already too much for one day, we continued with a Mini BOS ('Best of Show') for Blonde Ale, which means another 6 beers. The advantage of the Mini BOS, however, is that you don't have to analyze the beer in detail, 'take it apart', and document it anymore. You just have to taste it to discuss and award the top 3 places. That was definitely the most fun, especially in the group with my companions/friends from QUAFF from San Diego (Larry and Brian). In the evening, there was a VIP party for the jury and all exhibitors of the Ensenada Beerfest, of course at a local brewery. Here I got to know people from all over Mexico and even an organizer of the BrauBeviale (German brewing technology fair) from 'Nuremberg' (she is actually from near Ansbach, but apparently Middle Franconia consists only of Nuremberg for Middle Franconia itself). She was looking for a location for a new branch of the BrauBeviale in Mexico (currently there is a branch in Russia and one in Asia). By the way, the Agua Mala brewery, where the party took place, had a great Pilsner and the food was (like on the whole trip in Mexico) really good! I was even provided with a dreamlike room in the beautiful San Nicolas Hotel for the entire stay. The next day, I continued with Mini BOS for American Porter, New England IPA, and Fruit/Spice/Veggie Beer. I was even chosen to be part of the 3-person jury for the (overall) Best Of Show tasting, where we had to select the top 3 from all the first places in the individual categories. That was a truly difficult task.


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