Week 1 - Auckland

Опубліковано: 13.10.2023

Arrived so well in New Zealand and got rid of the jet lag. After a few very foggy days due to the time difference, I was finally able to go on a few first trips. I was prepared to explore a few places alone for the first week, but I immediately met a lot of people and was very surprised at how open-minded all the other travelers are. There are a lot of solo travelers on the road and all countries are represented, but most of all, as always, we Germans (and English and French). That's why I ended up in a bar on the second evening and played the first game of billiards of probably many on this trip. The next day I went to Mount Eden with an English guy, with this view of the Auckland skyline:

Then I changed hostels and met a group of crazy French people and a Spaniard right in my room, with whom I went to Piha Beach and an even more beautiful beach right next to it the next day. It is known for its black sand and, together with the nearby waterfall, I was totally impressed. After this trip I was totally thrilled and it gave me so much anticipation for the next few months here in New Zealand:

The next day I was on a nearby island 'Rangitoto' where there is not a cafe or a paved road. There I did the first short hike of this trip, together with another German, who didn't talk much😂. This gave me a lot of time to think...The way back was especially beautiful when the sun finally came out and the path went along the coast and through the forest:

Next I'm off to Paihia and Kaitaia, where I'll discover the 'Northland'. I'm now traveling by bus because buying a car was too much for me and I'll have rides with a lot of other people :)


Відповідь (2)

der schwarze sand hat mich richtig abgeholt und wie schön ist dieser wasserfall bitte

Der wasserfall hat mich auch geflashed

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