
Vineyard in Baden

ئېلان قىلىندى: 25.06.2023

On the road

With 31° in the shade, we decided to skip the bike tour and take the car instead.

In Weingarten, there was a festival with stands of artisans and such, that was the tip. Such things always appeal to us. Unfortunately, it didn't fit in the schedule at the time - better plan it for the next day. What was not known: the creative market only took place on that Saturday.

We still managed to squeeze in a little city walk and it was really nice. I constantly realize that I know some places by name, but not much else.

In Weingarten, the WALK'SCHE HAUS is well known among connoisseurs and the three churches in a row are of interest to those interested in history: the Catholic church, the Protestant church and the synagogue. Unfortunately, the latter no longer exists since 1940. Just like one of the three former water mills on the Walzbach.

The watchtower is still located above the town. Since Weingarten did not have city rights, there was no city wall for protection. At least a 'watchtower' was allowed to be built on a vineyard to protect the population.

And then there's the Walzbach, which gave the neighboring municipality Walzbachtal its name. In the middle of Weingarten, this stream is so overgrown with reeds and such in many places that the water is hardly visible. In addition, there are several bridges over the water so that residents can access their homes. Absolutely beautiful.

The GASTHAUS ZUR KRONE had its gate wide open, a long table was set in the shady courtyard and a sign announced that the inn was open. Unfortunately, that was not the case - but Baden hospitality was immediately apparent! Regardless, we would get something to drink - what did we have in mind. We politely declined. Instead, the friendly lady sent us to the marketplace and to the nearby Italian Ristorante DA SANDRO. Huge umbrellas provided the necessary shade and the drinks arrived subito. The funniest thing was the Vespa that stood as decoration on a sideboard.

Through a small narrow alley, we returned to the main street. An ice cream parlor also invited us. Our slight confusion prompted a helpful ice cream eater to offer his assistance. Just as I said: Baden friendliness. However, we were not looking for a way - but for the car.

So let's go to the WINZERGENOSSENSCHAFT WEINGARTEN. We really went up the hill through a great residential area. A few meters higher than the SCHÜTZENHAUS. The view of Weingarten and the surrounding area with the vineyards - again, absolutely stunning. Those who live there should enjoy it every day.

We then chose a different route home: through the district of Waldbrücke. There was also a construction site and a corresponding detour. Short and to the point, we were on our way. This tour also showed me that I know little about this area - probably others as well.

So even a very short break is worth it!

See you soon
