USA 2022 - The Great Comeback
USA 2022 - The Great Comeback

12th Day - 22.02.2022

ئېلان قىلىندى: 23.02.2022

Today probably a lot of people are getting married. Not me. I have to drive on early today. The night was unfortunately too short and I couldn't sleep anymore. Somehow the motel wasn't quite my thing. Superficially clean but intuitively dirty. When I return the room key, the old lady doesn't understand me. And I don't understand her either. She fetches her daughter and she asks me if I need a receipt. I'll take one. And I get one from another guest. Doesn't matter anyway.

I start driving and after half an hour I'm in the Sahara. Or rather in the sand dunes of Algodones. And it looks exactly the same. At least Star Wars was filmed here. But today wouldn't be a good day for that. The wind is so strong that I can hardly get out of the car. After 30 seconds I can't see anything anymore because of all the sand. But that doesn't bother numerous buggy drivers. They hang out here by the hundreds and enjoy the spectacle.

I drive a little further on Highway 78 until it turns right to Yuma. The landscape is characterized by rugged rocks and sparse vegetation. After half an hour I'll be in Felicity. The place enjoys some attention because some crazy person once claimed that this is the center of the world. And a big sign here says exactly that. Why? I have no idea. Just crazy. I should pay five dollars to get a certificate that I've been in the middle of the world. I'll pass on that and just remember it.

In Yuma, I visit one of the many historic state parks. Here you can learn about the pioneering spirit of the Wild West. Yuma had a fort and that's what they talk about here. It's not that impressive and I would have been better off spending the eight dollars on drinks.

After a while on Interstate 8, I turn left to Tacna. The small town has a lot of charm and I have a drink in a nice little café. It's pretty hot here and the temperature is well above 20°C. Then I continue on the interstate and need to use the restroom. So I stop at a rest area. A sign indicates that there are poisonous insects and snakes here. Okay then. I'll keep driving.

It's only a few miles to Dateland. The place itself probably wouldn't be worth mentioning if it didn't have date palm trees and the inspiration of a local to make world-famous milkshakes out of them. Date shakes, that is. Of course, I have to try it and it actually tastes very good. I also tell the seven people who ask me what it's like while I'm enjoying my shake outside. Word of mouth advertising.

My accommodation tonight is in Gila Bend. And I arrive there at 5:30 PM, quite tired. The short night takes its toll. The motel is a bit on the outskirts and it's really great. So I hope for a long night's sleep. Tonight, a Mexican take-away is my dinner. I still can't understand why it doesn't catch on better in Germany. It's cheap, it's fast, and it tastes good. I'll save the burrito for breakfast. The portion is just too big. I'm curious what they have here tomorrow. Today was an extremely great day. A lot of road trip feeling. More of that please.


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