Kroatien 2018
Kroatien 2018

Split, UNESCO World Heritage Site

ئېلان قىلىندى: 23.08.2018

August 23

We are collecting "UNESCO World Heritage Site" diligently, so today we visited the city of Split. The city is only a little over half an hour away from the campsite and was quickly reached. In the morning, we packed our backpacks for the day: the most important items were wallet, sunscreen, water bottle, and phone... and of course, the swimwear!!

Upon arriving at the parking lot, we asked the parking attendant for the address so that we could easily find the parking lot again today. The attendant immediately pulled out a city map, marked the location, the way to the palace, AND even the most beautiful bathing spot with shade-giving trees in Split. We were speechless by such friendliness and helpfulness from a parking attendant. What a wonderful start in Split.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at one of the four gates of Diocletian's Palace, the imposing main gate, the Golden Gate. The Diocletian's Palace was built by the Roman Emperor Diocletian as a retirement residence and final resting place until he died in the year 312. Throughout its long existence, the palace has undergone many changes and the history has left its marks. Especially in the Middle Ages, a city developed around the original palace, surrounded and protected by the walls of the former palace. It is like a living history book, from antiquity to the present day.

When we passed through the Golden Gate and walked through the many narrow medieval alleys to the center of the palace, the Peristyle, a spectacle unfolded before us that we had never experienced before, as if the Roman antiquity had come to life. So far, we had only experienced ancient monuments as monuments, but here they are alive and integrated into the bustling present. Wine-red cushions from a restaurant in the square were placed on the stairs of the temple complex, inviting people to sit down, linger, and have a coffee. Obviously, no one wants to stop time here, but rather to keep the city alive following the example of history. This is successful and wonderful in a unique way. The surrounding attractions can be visited at a low cost and in a relaxed manner, making the stay more enjoyable. First, we climbed the bell tower, then we were able to visit the oldest cathedral in the world and several other impressive cultural sites. All in a relaxed walking pace.

After the first cultural part, we urgently needed a sugar and caffeine boost, which was quickly fulfilled. Energized and refreshed, we took out the map from the parking attendant and headed towards the sea. For us, this is the perfect component for a relaxing and balanced city day in these temperatures. After about 3 hours, we felt like new again and made our way back to the old town to experience the last part of today's visit to Split, namely the evening atmosphere with dinner. First, we had something to eat, and then we went into the evening hustle and bustle of the palace, heading straight to its heart, the Peristyle. This pillared courtyard had already captivated us at noon today, and we wanted to immerse ourselves in its magic one last time. As soon as we arrived, live music and the fabulous atmosphere engulfed us and drew us to the wine-red cushions. The waiters of the restaurant attentively but unobtrusively served drinks to the guests. The entire courtyard listened to the music, children, as so often, playfully opened up the central area for dancing, and the occasional couple followed them hesitantly. Shortly before midnight, the two gifted musicians, a vocalist and a guitarist, had almost everyone in this temple engaged in dancing and singing along. At 0:00, a birthday song was played and sung by everyone(!)... Goosebumps!!! And as the final song, "... always look on the bright side of life..." was performed. The entire interior of this temple sang along and bid farewell into the night. What a powerful message! We are deeply touched and overjoyed!

جاۋاب (2)

Diesen Reisebericht muß ich wohl noch mehrmals lesen so voller schöner Eindrücke ist er !! Heute geht es also weiter aber der gestrige Tag wird wohl erstmal der Höhepunkt bleiben ! Aber die Spannung auf den nächsten Bericht bleibt !! Liebe Grüße von der neugierigen Kuckucksmama!

w. g. Parkplatzwächter. Wie man in den Wald hineinruft....... Schön so eine Begegnung. L. G. NORBERT