Karos kleine große Weltreise
Karos kleine große Weltreise

January 14-15, 2018

ئېلان قىلىندى: 15.01.2018

It's me again! 😊

I have entered my last week here in Koh Tao. By this time next week, I will already be in Bangkok again.

14/01/2018: Don't be mad at me for not having much to tell. It just means that I am really relaxing a lot. 😅 Yesterday, I only had breakfast at the Culture Café and spent the rest of the day lying on the beach and reading.

In the evening, I played Frisbee on the beach before meeting up with a German diving instructor named Alex. We went to an 'All-You-Can-Eat' BBQ buffet. It was cool! However, 'All-You-Can-Eat' never really pays off for me.. 😅 Playing Frisbee here is quite a challenge. There are so many stray dogs running around, and one of them is really obsessed with Frisbees, so we already had to buy the third Frisbee in the past two days.

15/01/2018: Today was pretty much the same as yesterday: breakfast at the Culture Café, reading, and playing Frisbee.

This is the life! If you take a closer look at this picture, you can spot three of the beach dogs that always roam around here. The chubby one in the foreground always lies on one of the mats and patiently lets the many tourists pet him (a bit gross, right? 😅). You can find the little Labrador in the water near the boats every single day! He is just unbelievably cute. He looks for small fish and jumps up or digs in the sand with his paws from time to time. And then there's the big black dog that you can find in the back right of the picture. That's the Frisbee-obsessed dog. It's really rare to see him lying so well-behaved in the sand! This is how our Frisbee No. 2 looked today when someone wasn't fast enough:

But luckily, the Frisbees are not that expensive here, so someone always buys a new one.

Since my Thai diving instructor Naz is moving to Phuket tomorrow morning, tonight was his last evening on Koh Tao, and we went out to eat together. Delicious:

Such a beautiful restaurant! By the way, here's the beer that we occasionally drink here. They come in small bottles with 330ml and large ones with 630ml. A really strange size, in my opinion. The small beer looks really tiny compared to the large one.

By the way, on my way back to my room just now, I got really scared. The paths in the resort are not always lit, and I was lucky that I was wearing flip flops for once!!! I suddenly heard a loud 'clack' right in front of my feet. When I turned on my flashlight in surprise, I was amazed. Look who was sitting in front of my feet!

You can't imagine how fast my heart was beating 😅 Those eyes!! Kind of creepy.. But in general, I encounter all kinds of creatures here, so I should really get used to it soon. My favorites are definitely the small geckos. I always get excited when I find some in my room because they eat my mosquitoes!

Oh, and tonight I received the best news ever!

One of my dearest friends, Sina, booked her flights today. She is actually coming to visit me for my last three weeks in New Zealand, so I won't have to spend my birthday alone in Wellington and I can explore the South Island of New Zealand together with her! 😊😊😊 SO HAPPY! Sina, I'm very excited to see you!!! ♥ We haven't seen each other for about seven or eight months because Sina has been studying in Porto for a semester. And since I didn't manage to visit her, she decided to come to New Zealand instead. Why not, right? 😅 I'm really looking forward to it!!!

Oh, and tomorrow I finally get to go diving again! 😊 So in two days, you can definitely look forward to a diving report, hehe. Good night! ♥
